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《耶稣受难记》是由梅尔·吉布森执导,詹姆斯·卡维泽、莫妮卡·贝鲁奇主演的一部剧情电影。影片于2004年2月25日在美国上映,2004年3月19日在中国大陆上映 [1]  。影片描述的是耶稣殉难前最后12小时内发生的故事。最后的晚餐结束后,耶稣开始祈祷,他不断地忍受着撒旦的诱惑。背叛了耶稣的犹大将耶稣推向了十字架,被拘捕的耶稣囚禁在耶路撒冷城内。那是一个遥远而又让人永世难忘的时代,一位圣者将他的名字、他的精神永远镌刻在历史的丰碑之上。备受世人爱戴的上帝之子耶稣(詹姆斯·帕特里克·卡维泽JamesPatrickCaviezel饰)为生活在穷苦和磨难中的人们带去了希望和喜悦,与此同时他的存在也触犯了教廷和统治者的利益。他拒绝着魔鬼的引诱,而门徒犹大(卢卡·莱奥内罗LucaLionello饰)则抵抗不出金钱的魅力,他为此出卖了耶稣,其丑态永久留在了“最后的晚餐”之上。在此之后,耶稣被捕,当局者为他戴上荆棘做的王冠,命他背上沉重的十字架,更用带着铁刺的鞭子抽打圣人的肌肤。耶稣痛苦呻吟着,决绝地忍受当下的一切。“仁慈之父,他们什么都不知道。”作为圣人,作为救世主,这是一条必须淌血走过的试炼之路……这部影片真实的记录了耶稣基督一生中最后的12个小时,那是他在耶路撒冷受难的一天,也是他化身人类所遭受到的最残酷最痛苦的折磨,直到他生命的消逝。故事从一个夜晚开始,耶稣(詹姆斯·卡维泽饰)被犹大出卖给了犹太贵族,在暗蓝色的夜幕下耶稣被惊醒,震惊、失望,接着坦然、宽容,默默束手被擒。当士兵用铁链绑住耶稣的手脚,把他押往宣判场的时候,成群的犹太人涌了出来,他们向耶稣扔着石块吐着唾沫。疯狂的犹太人们,在彼拉多宣布耶稣绞刑后群起欢呼。耶稣扛着沉重的厚木十字架,蹒跚地走过耶路撒冷的街巷,他不时摔倒在地上,犹太人门们更加疯狂地向他涌来,发泄他们肆无忌惮的无知与怨恨。在人群的末尾,抹大拉的妓女玛丽亚(莫妮卡·贝鲁奇饰)痛苦地看看着背负十字架的耶稣正在被犹太人辱骂,遍体伤痕血迹斑斑慢慢地走向各各他,她的眼里充满了绝望。圣水从手缝里流下来,沙石在风里幻化成尘埃,铁锤高高地举起,一锤锤砸击在十字架上。套上荆棘编成的茨冠的耶稣无声承受着死亡前最后的痛苦。 长铁钉刺进了左手手腕,长铁钉刺进了右手手腕,长铁钉打进了左脚脚腕,长铁钉打进了右脚脚腕。鲜血从钉孔里流出来,流过血迹模糊的皮肤,滴落进泥土,每一滴都声震天宇。天上乌云翻滚,吞噬着每一块白色的缝隙,圣母玛丽娅(玛雅·摩根斯坦特 饰)眼角滑下一行浊泪,流出一脸的沉痛。山坡上一片静默,那用已经消失的语言唱出的歌声,缭绕着这里的每一粒空气 [1-2]  。
This utterly gorgeous Gothic melodrama would be widely hailed as a masterpiece, had it not been made in Italy during the Mussolini regime. A gross injustice, as Malombra - unlike Piccolo Mondo Antico, Mario Soldati's earlier film of an Antonio Fogazzaro novel - contains not one moment of triumphalist flag-waving or Fascist family values. Oddly akin to Rebecca in its atmosphere of death-haunted romance and voluptuous doom, it reaches a peak of visual refinement of which Hitchcock could only dream.  Its star is Isa Miranda (famous, and not without reason, as Italy's answer to Garbo and Dietrich) playing a headstrong but unstable young noblewoman, confined by her uncle to a gloomy villa on the shores of Lake Como. A yellowed and crumbling letter, found in an old spinet, convinces her that she is the reincarnation of her uncle's first wife - another troubled beauty who died a virtual prisoner after being caught in a forbidden love affair. When a handsome young writer (Andrea Checchi) comes to stay, Miranda decides that HE is the reincarnation of the dead woman's lover. Gradually, she lures him into her web of sex and revenge...  What more to say without spoiling the fun Miranda gives a performance to rival any of the great divas of Hollywood. Only Davis and Stanwyck, perhaps, could play a bad girl so boldly without losing all sympathy. The evocation of 19th century aristocracy, in its full decadent splendour, is visually and dramatically flawless - a model for such later Italian gems as Visconti's Senso and The Innocent.  It helped, perhaps, that Soldati himself was a leading novelist. Blessed with an absolute respect for the classics he adapted, but in no way inhibited by them. He was also the guiding spirit of the now-forgotten 'calligraphic' movement, which brought the Italian cinema to such wondrous aesthetic heights during World War Two, only to collapse before the horror of Neo-Realism. Can we blame Soldati for giving up film-making in disgust and going back to writing novels  So if you've ever felt (as I do) that Rossellini's much-touted Rome - Open City is the work of an amateur...well, Malombra is the film you have to see!